Dyer’s Eve is a film that almost wasn’t. Orginally, the film project was itended to take place in a cabin where a group of people were stalked by an unseen invader, but scheduling conflicts led to its demise. As an alteritive, the Dyer’s Eve project was inspired by watching an episode of a television
show about ghost hunters. The idea was to play upon the
disintegration of such a group based on their own foils and their exploitation of the unknown.
Originally set to take place in another abandoned house,
the final set came into play two days before principal
photography and, after touring it the day before the shoot,
we decided that it must be the location featured in the film.
After one very busy weekend of shooting, another pair
of supplementary shoots done a few weeks later, and two
months of post-production - Dyer’s Eve became a reality.
We hope you enjoy the film and feel free to explore the
supplementary features provided on this site.
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